Hi–I’m Omar. We help people hack their career & win at life.

Who Said Work Should Suck?

Not on my watch! At MyCareerGuy, we believe that your career should be a source of pride, fulfillment, and yes, even excitement.

Whether you’re hunting for that dream job, aiming to climb the corporate ladder, or plotting a complete career pivot, we’ve got the tools, insights, and expertise to help.

Let’s redefine what work feels like together.

Who Do We Help?

In short, if you're on the hunt for a job, we've got your back

Recent Graduates

Career Progression


Individuals Between Jobs

Relocating Job Seekers

Career Changers

Remote Job Seekers

Sales & Marketing People

Our Values at MyCareerGuy

Empowerment for Every Chapter

Whether you're stepping into the job market for the first time, between jobs, or eyeing a higher rung on your career ladder, we believe in empowering you with the tools, guidance, and confidence to turn any chapter into a success story.

Authenticity in Every Interaction

At MyCareerGuy, we keep it real. We value genuine relationships, transparent advice, and personalized strategies that truly resonate with your unique career journey. No one-size-fits-all here—just authentic, tailored guidance.

Commitment to Continuous Growth

The world of work is ever-evolving, and so are we. We're dedicated to lifelong learning, staying updated with industry trends, and ensuring that our clients are always equipped with the most current and effective tools and techniques. Your growth is our passion.

Meet Your Career Guy

Hey I’m Omar. I'm committed to helping everyone find joy in their work, pursue their passions, and earn their worth.

Want to level up your Career?

Join 1K+ readers of The CareerHacker Saturday for tips, strategies, and resources to hack your career life and live the way you deserve.

Start here.