No more unseen applications

Get The Job You Deserve At A Higher Rate

Without more education, auto-applying to 100s of jobs, or an extensive network.

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Resume Writing Services

My team and I will craft an ATS optimized resume, cover letter and optimize your LinkedIn profile to get you more interviews.

Meet Your Career Guy
Hey! I’m Omar

I’m the founder of several agencies. I’ve hired close to 200 people from employees, contractors, freelancers across multiple industries.

To do that, I use an ATS, and I’ve personally seen that 99% of the 10,000s applications we receive are unfortunately mediocre. From inaccurate resumes that are not related to the position, to low quality cover letters and non-updated LinkedIn profiles.

This has fueled my desire to create content that helps people market themselves, get better at interviews and land the jobs of their dreams.

I currently offer a service building effective ATS resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles that GET SEEN by recruiters, don’t get auto-rejected by ATS, and get you interviews!

My team of certified resume writers and I handle profiles from entry-level to executives, across all industries.

Get Career Hacking tips from me sent to your Inbox.

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